Monday, September 27, 2010

The mosque being built near Ground Zero in New York City has been a topic of concern over the past month.  Many citizens of America, especially residence of New York, are strongly against the proposal because they believe that this desecrates the site of 9/11.  However, many Americans support this proposal stating that Islamic citizens have the right as Americans to build a mosque wherever they please.

The Imam supporting the construction of the mosque has currently been in hiding after receiving messages threatening his well-being.  This Imam is currently under the protection of the New York Police Department and is currently residing in a confidential location.  Representatives of both the police and the Imam have declined to comment on the current situation.

Imam behind NYC Islamic center avoiding New York, getting protection over security concerns

Former President Jimmy Carter's views on Mosque.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dan Rather

Dan Rather.  CBS Evening News anchor from 1981 to 2005.  Currently an editor and anchor on Dan Rather Reports.  RSS Feed

"You can't be a good reporter and not regularly be involved in some kind of controversy."

I like this quote because there are always going to be delicate stories to report on.  Stories that could easily offend someone or be taken out of context.  I believe a good reporter knows how to report on these sensitive topics and can deliver the important information.

Favorite Sites:
Dan Rather CBS News Biography
Dan Rather Reports