Sunday, October 24, 2010


The New York City Islamic Cultural Center is envisioned as a futuristic wonder.  The building will really be a magnificent piece of architecture when it is completed. A lot of glass and "honeycomb" type shapes are drawn into the design.  Pictures of the plans and mock ups have been released.  The building itself borrows a lot of ideas from the Jewish Center in Manhattan.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hate Crimes

A student in New York was released on bail after he was charged with stabbing a Muslim Cab driver in the neck with a knife.  The student was said to have entered the cab and asked the driver if he was muslim.  He then proceeded to mutter something in Arabic then said "consider this a checkpoint".  After which he stabbed the cab driver in the throat.  The cab driver survived.

I think that more hate crimes like this will occur as the Islamic Center is being built.  There are a lot of people still against this, some people choose to take extreme actions while others do not.

Suspect in NYC Muslim cabbie stabbing out on bond

Monday, October 18, 2010

Islamic Cultural Center + Images

It is a very exciting time for Muslims in New York City these days.  The Islamic center is currently under planning and designing.  Several images of what the planners are envisioning have been released on the projects website.

The Cultural Center is to include 13 floors, a pool, a gym, an auditorium, conference rooms, class rooms, and a 9/11 memorial.  The whole project is said to cost around $100 million.  CNN reports that a large number of Muslims are already using the first floor as a mosque.

With the release of the images I believe that it proves that the plans for a cultural center are not being slowed down or halted by the several threats from citizens outraged by the planning of it.  The Imam, however is still avoiding the site completely.

First images of proposed NYC Islamic center

Thursday, October 14, 2010


A hot topic in todays debates continues to be the Islamic Center that is going to be constructed in New York City.  Some United States citizens are outraged that a mosque is being built because of what happened on September 11.  

A mosque in South Carolina was defaced with bacon that spelled out words such as "pig" and "chump".  Not only is this vandalism but it is a sign of disrespect towards Muslims since they do not eat pigs.  

I think that there is a connection here.  That people are mad at the Islamic faith for 9/11 and the mosque in New York.  If the mosque in New York City was not being built, I believe this act of disrespect would have never taken place in South Carolina.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

More Threats Over NYC Mosque!

The Imam backing the whole Mosque project in NYC has also been receiving threats.  The New York City Police Department has not stated wether or not they are providing protection for this Imam.

The news spread quickly when the Imam's wife discussed on ABC's "News Week" how her and her husbands life are in danger.

A lot of Americans feel betrayed by the Mosque being built next to Ground Zero since the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by Muslims.  As of now the mosque is still going to be constructed in New York City.

Police probe threats against New York Islamic center backers

Saturday, October 2, 2010

"My Faith My Voice"

Tired of all the controversy surounding the heated subject of the mosque being built near Ground Zero, a group of Muslims started a campaign so they could be heard. The website allows Islamic followers to upload short videos to show how "Muslims really are". Hundreds of videos have been uploaded so far all of which speak on Muslim life and what being Islamic means to them.

My Faith My Voice